About Us

“Faith and reason can best be understood as attributes of the human soul through which insights and knowledge can be gained about the physical and the spiritual dimensions of existence.”
–The Universal House of Justice

Hi There
I’m Stephanie
Through many years of rigorous academic study and training, coupled with a profound understanding of the dynamic flow of the human energy field, I bring together a nuanced richness of unique experiences and perspectives, creating a healthy balance of wise, compassionate insight that characterizes my company, Prism360Wellness. I bring unique potential, balanced contributions, and a fresh spirit infused with enthusiasm. I hold myself to high standards in helping others achieve optimal wellness, to nurture and restore health in all its many dimensions.
I focus on the “approach to life and living” – not illness – and the interconnectivity of the mind-body-spirit bond; this delivers far greater realization of health benefits. I do this by providing offerings of Block Therapy™ and Reiki.

Stephanie Cosby
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Master of Public Health
Certified Block Therapy Instructor
Certified Fascia Alignment Coach
Reiki Level 2
Through many years and several careers I have pursued, I always gravitated toward work that focused on helping people, but frequently to the detriment of my own health. Throughout my 10+ years involved in direct patient care, nursing took a toll as I endured several painful, debilitating back injuries. But even while attending nursing school, I had wanted to meld my FIRST career of video post-production with my growing nursing skills. I learned about the field of Healthcare Communications which focused on a wider, more global reach of healthcare. In order to bridge the gap between my video and healthcare experiences, in 2009 I obtained a Master of Public Health with a focus on Healthcare Communications from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Rapidly moving from nursing in a fast-paced patient-centered environment, coupled with a life-altering diagnosis and subsequent treatment for breast cancer, I transitioned to a nearly completely sedentary career of video editing… which took an even greater toll on my health. As a result of several extreme physical and emotional stressors in 2018, resulting in a gain of over 70 pounds in less than 2 years, I was on the verge of being diagnosed with high blood pressure and pre-diabetes, and with almost non-existent range of motion, I found I could barely move without experiencing pain. Something had to change.
In early 2020, I attended a retreat where Block Therapy™ was offered as part of the program. From the first moment on the Block, I knew the trajectory of my life had changed forever. I have been blocking almost every day since and was so excited about the benefits, I got my father and step-mother to start blocking with me as well! Since beginning blocking, I have reversed the negative impacts to my health and wellbeing, AND have lost almost 40 pounds to date in the process… all by simply blocking! I decided the best way to share my passion for Block Therapy™ and the incredible benefits that can be realized from it was to become a Certified Block Therapy Instructor! Due to my unending passion to help people, I furthered my Block Therapy™ education and became a Certified Fascia Alignment Coach. This has enabled me to work with individuals one-on-one to create personalized protocols to assist them in their journey towards wellbeing. Fortified with my experiences of both patient-centered and public healthcare, I’m now bringing this powerful self-care practice to those in my community who are ready to breathe and believe!
Email Stephanie