Group Classes &
Private Sessions
Join one of our group classes for an overall Block Therapy experience or set up a private session for a more personalized approach to your Block Therapy journey.
Class Schedule
Below is our current class schedule as of January 2025 – if you have further questions please do not hesitate to contact us!
(* Pricing for Zoom classes: €19/class or €115 for monthly pass. Must own a Block Buddy or Block Baby.
Must register in advance. Zoom classes will be recorded and available for 48 hours after the class.)
10:00 am to 11:15am:
Beginner Class
in person class (Funchal)
Pre-registration required
Contact us to register
6:00 – 7:00 pm:
Unwind the Day Blocking
via Zoom*
9:00 – 10:00 am:
Embrace the Day Blocking
via Zoom*
10:00 – 11:00 am:
Beginner Class
(Core, Pelvis & Legs, OR Head, Neck & Arms)
Via Zoom* (€19)
11:00 am – 12:00 pm:
“Un-BLOCK Your Chakras” Class (Advanced Class)
Via Zoom* (€19)
Beginner – Advanced Level Classes
(appropriate for all students)

Core Class
This class works to release the core, ribs and the shoulders, and teaches the importance of diaphragmatic breathing. It is a beautiful way to open the ribcage and relax into new posture and alignment.
*Students new to Block Therapy are required to begin with this class.

Pelvis & Legs Class
This class focuses on pelvic alignment and blocking the legs. It also teaches the concept of rooting to align the pelvis and help lift the ribcage. You won’t believe the new alignment of your lower body!
*If you are new to Block Therapy, take this class after you are comfortable with your skill level in the Core Class.

Head, Neck & Arms Class
This class concentrates on the alignment of the head and neck, which includes blocking the arms. Learn the concept and importance of docking the tongue to support the neck. If you spend a lot of time at a computer, this class helps realign your head, providing relief to your neck, shoulders, and arms.
*If you are new to Block Therapy, take this class after you are comfortable with your skill level in the Pelvis & Legs Class.
Advanced Level Classes
(for those who have completed the Core, Pelvis & Legs, and Head, Neck & Arms Classes)

"Embrace the Day" & "Unwind the Day" Classes
Begin or complete your day with some gentle blocking to unwind the body AND the senses! Each session will be a fresh take based loosely on student input, including targeting areas of the body to get you up and moving or relaxed and loose!

"Un-BLOCK Your Chakra's" Class
This is an 8-week journey – each class is focused on a specific Chakra (the energy centers of the body). In Week 1, we’ll begin with the Root Chakra, targeting specific areas and positions to release unhealthy blockages – physical, emotional and spiritual. Each class will shift focus to the next Chakra and in Week 8 we’ll culminate with a “zip-up” of all the Chakras.
Ask about our Retreat and Corporate Wellness Packages too.
Book Now
To pre-register for classes, use this form below. Please include the class/s and date/s you’d like to sign up for. Payment instructions and class details (address and/or Zoom link) will be sent to you.
*** Ask about our One-On-One Sessions and Unlimited Monthly Passes ***
Upcoming Events, Retreats & Workshops